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The Holy Hut Vayalvaram where The Guru Born |
Romain Rolland |
The new religious manifestations in South India which are not negligible, such for eg: is the great Guru Sree Narayana whose beneficent spiritual activity has been exercising its influence during the past 40 years in the state of Travancore on nearly two millions of his followers (He passed away in 1928). his teaching permeated with the philosophy of Sankara shows evidence of a striking difference of temperament compared with the mysticism of Bengal of which effusion of love(Bhakti) inspire in him a certain mistrust. He was one might say “a Jnanin of action” a grand religious intellectual, who had a keen living sense of the people and of social necessities. He has contributed greatly to the elevation of the oppressed classes in south India and his work has been associated at certain times with that of Gandhi. M. Romain Rolland,1928 December
Guru's Sisters |
Old Jack fruit tree ( 1000 years old ) |
SN College , Chempazhanthi |
A Shelter builted up on The holy Hut, by Sree Gokulan Goppalan MD of Sree Gokulam Chits Fund, Chennai |
This a subsidiary ashram of Sree Narayana Dharma Sangom (SNDS) Head Quarters at Sivagiri. The Chempazhanthi Narayana Gurukulam is situated at northern side of Thiruvanathapuram citythe capital of Kerala where Guru Narayana was born in the year 1856.The Saint Guru Narayana popularly called Sree Narayana Guru He was the eldest son of his parents-Madanasan and Kuttiyamma . They were from an agricultural family with rich cultural heritage and spiritual background .His parents called him ‘Nanu’ affectionately .The word ‘Asan’ means Teacher. The word Madan is the contracted form of two words-MahaNadan- which means great actor. According to Puranas, the great actor is Siva .But the orthodox priest-hood gave untouchability to the name and it became Madan. The social condition clearly shows how even names of Gods were annointed with untouchability. Untouchables were not allowed to use sawarna names . Two uncles of Nanu were Sanskrit scholars and Ayurveda physicians.They were respected widely by all sections of people. When Nanu was hardly five years old,there was a death in the family resulting in intense grief. Nanu went away to a temple and sat brooding .The child’s mind was already affected.As a little boy, he used to graze cattle in the company of other village boys .When he was five his formal education was started . For sometime he studied in the local elementary school .He studied Sanskrit from his uncles who were Sanskrit scholars . He was regular in reading religious books and visiting his family temple.He was very simple in dress and food habits . He studied Sanskrit from renowned Sanskrit scholar Kummampilli Raman Pilla Asan and mastered the Vedanta , the Upanishads.and other scriptures . At the age of fifteen he lost his mother . This affected him very much .The Vedanta Philosophy’s stress on inner experience attracted him and slowly he was getting away from his family.Nanu taught Sanskrit to some of his followers and students .He was thou called ‘Nanu Asan’ . Nanu Asan continued his intellectual pursuits and family ties had no attraction for him .His sisters and uncles thought that marriage would normalize his life .After the marriage his wife lived in her maternal home .He too lived in the house preferring abstinence. At this time his father expired . This increased his aversion for the world. One day he disappeared from the house.When Sree Narayana Guru reached the age of sixty he was recognized as a great spiritual leader. To expound the mystic philosophy he composed ‘Darsana mala’ in Sanskrit . He also visited Ceylon (Srilanka) twice to foster brotherhood. His composition in Malayalam and Sanskrit are on a par with Sri Sankara. The philosophical and metaphysical meanings enshrined in the Vedas and Upanishads have been clearly explained in simple language for the common man. Among the numerous compositions of Sree Narayana Guru ‘Aatmopadesha Satakam, Darsanamala, Jananee Navaratna Manjari, Siva Satakam, translations of Thirukkural, and Isa Upanishad’ are very famous.He also established a Dharma Sangham to carry on the work done by him eradicating illiteracy, superstition , and promote education for the benevolence of the masses. Narayana Guru met a boy of eighteen at Kaikkara near Varkkala . This boy became swami’s disciple. That boy became Mahakavi (great poet) due to the influence of Sree Narayana Guru.With the assistance of Dr. Palpu, and Kumaran Asan Narayana Guru founded the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam with a view to obliterate all the social evils that prevailed at that times. By this time old age began to have all its toil on Guru. On September 20th , 1928 he passed away attaining the eternal rest of peace .
Kerala's International research Centre for the Thought of Guru Narayana under State Government is functioning at Chempazhanthi, there have a central schools & State HS Schools and a arts science colleges also functioning in the sacred name of the Guru.(Courtsy Gurukulam Chempazhanthi Branch of Sree Narayana Dharma Sanghom, Sivagiri)
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